Although i do a lot of wireless, i still don't understand how it works, how one pulse of current travels from one device and ends up at the other, my eventual aim is to be able to create my own wireless communication device out of very basic parts using a arduino. As a result i have been looking into assembly programming, which is what i'm going to do some of today.Take yourself back about 40 years, computers where at their births, for the first time there where teams of people striving to advance the technology within, but they still used machine code {0+1}, which is great to a computer because a computer only understands machine code, but what human can flawlessly and quickly? As a result, assembly language was born, now assembly language is the most basic of computer languages, there are no print commands and conditional statements like if statements and for loops.
Assembly language statements
Assembly language is key to every other language, it is the foundation stone, and it converts directly into machine code. By this i mean that every statement in assembly has a machine code equivalent that is run on the processor.As a result it is the closest to machine code we have to understand today. All HLL (high level languages like C, C++, C#, Fortran, Pascal, VB, COBALT etc.) are converted into assembly by the compiler(this is not the only thing the compiler does, but it is all i am interested in in this post). But what are the statements?
Computers where created by mathematicians for solving complex maths in little time. A calculation which takes us about 5 minutes takes a computer nano-seconds. It is for this reason a lot of the commands are mathematics based.
- ADD : This merely adds one memory address to another
- MOV : This command moves the bits from one memory address to another
- CMP : This compares two memory addresses.
- JLE : This jumps if the address is less than or equal to.
- INC : This increments the memory locations content.
These are just a few basic commands, if you wish to, there is a book i highly recommend from Jon Erickson called "Hacking: Art of exploitation" which is worth its weight in gold just for the sections on assembly, providing a very in depth, interactive look at assembly language.
Hopefully this post has made a few people think about learning assembly language (or at least partially). If nothing else it will look brilliant on a CV for a computer based job.